Last week we focused on the story of Abraham and his exile in Canaan. We talked about God’s promise to provide him a child through his wife Sarah, and about how Abraham and Sarah put the plan in jeopardy by trying to have the child of promise through Sarah’s slavegirl, Hagar. We focused on the role this story played in Abraham’s story of faith. In the Bible, however, Hagar is more than just a side character in Abraham’s story. She has her own story that is surprising, compelling, and challenging in its own right. So today, in honor of Mother’s Day, and all the women who have been treated—or felt like—supporting characters in someone else’s story, we are going to tell the story of Hagar: a woman in exile who had an amazing encounter with God and responded in active, vibrant faith. I. Why was Hagar in Exile? · Hagar was a slave and a foreign outsider among God’s special people. (Genesis 16:1) Hagar enters our story as a side character...
(or, A Fragment of Theology)