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Showing posts from 2020

Hagar at the Well (Exiles with a Mission, May 6 2020)

Last week we focused on the story of Abraham and his exile in Canaan. We talked about God’s promise to provide him a child through his wife Sarah, and about how Abraham and Sarah put the plan in jeopardy by trying to have the child of promise through Sarah’s slavegirl, Hagar. We focused on the role this story played in Abraham’s story of faith. In the Bible, however, Hagar is more than just a side character in Abraham’s story. She has her own story that is surprising, compelling, and challenging in its own right. So today, in honor of Mother’s Day, and all the women who have been treated—or felt like—supporting characters in someone else’s story, we are going to tell the story of Hagar: a woman in exile who had an amazing encounter with God and responded in active, vibrant faith. I. Why was Hagar in Exile? ·          Hagar was a slave and a foreign outsider among God’s special people. (Genesis 16:1) Hagar enters our story as a side character...

Abraham in Canaan (Exiles on a Mission, May 4, 2020)

Last week we looked at the story of Joseph, a man who was sent into exile by the evil actions of his brothers his master’s wife. We talked about how God used Joseph’s exile to prepare and empower him to accomplish God’s plan to protect his people. So far in this series, I have been focusing on what we can do during this time of exile—but there is another side of exile that we need to talk about: sometimes (especially now, for many people) being in exile means that we cannot do anything. How do we handle exile during those times when there is no clear way to move God’s plan forward in our own spheres of influence? That is the question we will address today, by focusing on the story of Abraham’s exile. Now, Abraham is not someone we traditionally associate with exile, so let’s begin by understanding the nature of Abraham’s exile. I.   Why was Abraham in exile? ·          God called Abraham to leave his home and go to a new land. (Genesis 1...

Joseph in Egypt (Exiles on A Mission, April 26, 2020)

In this series we are focusing on stories of God’s people in exile. Here I am defining “exile” as times when we are cut off from our homes, from our comfort zones, or from the fellowship of God’s people. Obviously, since the church building is closed, we are all in exile in a certain degree. But exile is a common human experience. We all go through seasons where we are adrift, directionless, isolated, unsure of where we are going or what God is doing. In another sense, Christians are always exiles in this world, because this fallen world is not our home (yet). So we all have to find a way to live in exile. In this series we will look at stories of people in exile to answer the questions that often ask about our own times in exile, to learn to see God at work and to know how to follow God.  Our first story of exile is one of the greatest stories in the Bible, the story of Joseph. This is an amazing tale in intrigue, drama, and reconciliation. In this sermon we will only have time ...

Free-Church Liturgy: Blue Christmas

What is a Blue Christmas Service? Blue Christmas services are a growing trend in the Church. Also known as "Longest-Night," these services are intended for people who are not feeling particularly jolly as the Christmas Season approaches. Some services are targeted specifically at those who are mourning a death. The service I put together (from various sources across the internet, and some of my own ideas) is intended to be open to anyone who is mourning, whether it's a death or a broken relationship, lost job, etc. This can be an incredibly powerful service, with tons of opportunity to minister to people.  What you need for this service The leader book This service is mostly read, so use this document in a binder to lead. The booklet Rather than using a projector, we used a booklet with all of the words in it. This allowed people to follow along without being forced to look up if they are not comfortable doing so. A pianist This service requires backgrou...