One of the challenges of reading the Bible is the fact that it’s an anthology—a collection of shorter works, shorter stories, that don’t always seem to fit together all that easily. It’s not always obvious to us what this story in Genesis has to do with that story in Judges, or why this prophet has to do with that prophet. Sometimes it can seem like the Bible is a bit of a jumble, without a greater design. If you look deeper, however, you will find that this couldn’t be farther from the truth. The Bible is an intricately woven masterpiece, a single work of dazzling complexity and elegant simplicity. See, every Biblical author was also a Bible-reader, and was inspired by the ultimate Biblical author, so that when they wrote they made all kinds of connections with other books and stories to help you fit the Bible into one great story. True, some of the strands that connect scripture together can be harder to see once it’s been translated into English, but they are still there...
(or, A Fragment of Theology)