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Showing posts from November, 2015

Works of Love I: Love and Its Fruits

[From Part I Chapter I, " Love's Hidden Life and Its Recognizability by Its Fruits "] Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers.  ~Luke 6:44 (NIV) "For every tree is recognized by its OWN fruit. It may well be that there are two fruits which very closely resemble each other; the one is healthful and good-tasting, the other is bitter and poisonous; sometimes, too, the poisonous fruit is good-tasting and the healthful fruit somewhat bitter in taste. In the same way love also is known by its own fruit. If one makes a mistake, it must be either because one does not know the fruit or because one does not know how to discriminate rightly in particular instances. For example, one may make the mistake of calling love that which is really self-love: when one loudly protests that he cannot live without his beloved but will hear nothing about love's task and demand, which is that he deny himself and gi...

New Series: "Works of Love"

This is Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard is cool. So I'm starting a new blog project. The basis for this project is a recurring problem I’ve experienced as a Kierkegaard aficionado: I find him to be utterly fascinating and constantly relevant to my life as an American Christian in 2015, and yet I have a difficult time sharing Kierkegaard with other American Christians in 2015. For instance, Fridays are my day to read a devotion at the morning staff meeting. For a long time I’ve wanted to use Kierkegaard as a source, but there are no Kierkegaard devotionals. I decided to just start picking out passages, but I found it very difficult to find passages of his writings that were short enough and could stand by themselves as a complete thought. Even when I did, those passages were often incredibly dense (as is Kierkegaard’s style) and difficult to digest.

Sermon: The Meaning(Lessness) of Advent--Ecclesiastes 1-2, Romans 8 (11/29/15)

Listen here .